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The Translation Research Project database

The Translation Research Project database

The TRP database was created as part of a two-year research project by the CEACS that dealt with translations into the languages of the Central European region - Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian. The works under consideration - by both Canadians as well as non-Canadians writing about Canada - covered a very broad range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The aim was to include all works (including second and further editions) meeting the above criteria, in an effort to obtain an understanding of the changing image(s) of Canada in the countries of the Central European region over the past century and more.

At present the database has approximately 2,500 entries, restricted to books and special editions of journals devoted entirely or in part to Canada. It will be updated annually. In future the database will also be extended to include translations of individual short stories, poems and other texts found in periodicals and anthologies.

The database is freely accessible. Click here to reach the database itself. The Login and Password are the same: guest. Once in, you can browse at will. If there is any specific search that you would like to carry out, but are unable to manage, please get in touch with the CEACS Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).